
Best Black and White Profiles

Testing Which Camera Has the Best Black and White JPEG Profile

I love the beauty and simplicity of black-and-white photography, and there's little process simpler than setting a camera to your preferred black-and-white mode and running wild with straight-of-the-camera JPEG files. But not all black-and-white picture profiles are equal, so which is the best?

How to Shoot Film Photos at Concerts

This article is a little guide on how I have had luck shooting photos at concerts. This is by no means the only way to do it, nor can I say that it will be the best way to do it for everyone. All I can say is that I recommend bringing a 35mm camera into some concerts. It really is a fun way to document your night!

A woman stands in an airport holding a bag of film.

What Happens When Film Goes Through an Airport Security Scanner?

Frequent analog photographers likely know that flying with film can be a risky endeavor. But beyond anecdotal experience and what airport scanning companies say, the impacts of flying with film haven't been very thoroughly examined. However, photographer and YouTube creator Lina Bessonova set about to change that in a large-scale test.

Kodak educational film

How Kodak Film Was Made in the 1950s

The fine folks at PeriscopeFilm have gotten their hands on an old educational film created by Eastman Kodak in the 1950s. While the copy of the vintage movie is incomplete, it shows part of a documentary about how the company makes film for cameras.

Johnny Martyr on photographing comedian Nikki Glaser

How I Shot Nikki Glaser’s Tour Promos on B&W 35mm Film

Recently, I took tour photos at the Lyric Theatre in Baltimore, Maryland, of my favorite comedian, Nikki Glaser. Nikki's team is using my photos to create graphics that she shares on social media to promote The Good Girl tour.