
Paparazzo Struck and Killed While Trying to Photograph Justin Bieber’s Ferrari

Back in July, after witnessing what essentially amounted to a high-speed car chase down the 101 between paparazzi and Justin Bieber, city councilman Dennis Zine predicted that these practices were "a tragedy waiting to happen." In an attempt to prevent similar incidents in the future, one of the photogs involved was even taken to court, charged under a new anti-paparazzi law.

Vertigo-Inducing Portraits by Skywalking Photographers in Russia

Earlier this year, we wrote about a dangerous new Russian photo fad called "skywalking," in which thrill-seeking climber-photographers seek out the highest man-made structures they can find, climb to the apexes without proper safety equipment, and then shoot photographs of themselves and the view once they're there.

Two of the photographers who have been generating a lot of buzz in this niche are Vitaly Raskalov and Alexander Remnev.

Daredevils Brave Near-Scalding Water for Incredible Lava Photographs

Photographers and best friends CJ Kale and Nick Selway tell us they make a living by creating and selling photographs of Hawaiian volcanoes. "Making a living" is an interesting choice of words, because both photographers risk their lives in capturing their incredible images of violent explosions and glowing lava flows.

Man Nearly Earns a Darwin Award Trying to Capture the Perfect Racing Photo

Photographers sometimes put themselves in harms way in order to capture the perfect shot, but there's a fine line between taking calculated risks and foolishly putting your life in danger. This 16-second-long video clip shows a guy doing the latter, nearly earning himself a Darwin Award while trying to photograph drifting cars at the Karpacz 2012 races in Poland.

Black Bloc Occupiers Turn Violent Against Photographers

On May 2nd, news started coming in that the previous day's MayDay Occupy protests in New York had turned violent towards photographers. At first, people viewed the assaults as unplanned, isolated incidents; but since the attacks took place, a piece on Anarchist News has been released to set the record straight: photographers, apparently, are the enemy.

Skywalking: A Dangerous New Photo Fad Popular Among Russian Teens

If you're afraid of heights you may want to look away, and you should certainly never make friends with these daredevil photographers from Russia. We here in the U.S. have memes, young Russian photographers, it seems, have "skywalking": the newest extremely dangerous photography fad to hit the Internet.

Throw Your Camera into the Air for a Group Photo from Above

You've probably heard of tossing your camera into the air for abstract light painting photos, but what about for actual photos? Wedding photographer Mike Larson shoots group photos from above -- with himself in the shot -- by throwing a DSLR and fisheye lens into the air and letting the timer trigger the shutter. You can find some examples of photos made using this technique over on Larson's website.