
Learn 21 One-Light Portrait Setups In Less Than Six Minutes

Sometimes photographers may be in a situation where they only have a single light source at their disposal during a portrait session. The good news is there are many ways you can use a single light to create unique and dramatic looks for portrait work as Dima Metkin demonstrates.

A Low-Cost Lighting Technique for More Controllable and Dynamic Shots

Sometimes all it takes to bring a shoot to the "next level" is a little DIY work and a couple of cheap accessories. In a recently published video, videographer Alex Perri goes over how he used an affordable light shaping modifier along with duct tape and cardboard to create some iconic film-noir looks for a short film he produced for fun at home.

Five Episode Series by HEX Focuses on Women Photographers

Hex, a company that makes premium designer bags for photographers, is in the process of publishing its five-part series titled "Women In Focus." The series follows five different women photographers at different stages of their careers and discusses their lives, challenges, work, successes, and failures.

Photos Deserve the Digital Protections That Are Standard Elsewhere

Digital rights ownership and control are at the heart of a losing battle that photographers have been fighting for decades. One of the interesting, but overlooked, offshoots of the NFT craze is a technical one: the capability that underscores the value of an NFT is the ability to sign and authenticate it.

Michael Sasser Talks About Dealing With Negativity in the Photo Industry

Many of you, like myself, have gone through the journey of putting yourself out there as a creative. It’s a part of the territory that goes into showing people your work: whether that’s having an Instagram profile and networking, or opening up a YouTube channel. Some of us may go even further and begin teaching and becoming a person that others go to for information about our craft.

Ilford is Creating a Set of Super Helpful ‘Darkroom Guides’ on YouTube

Over the past seven months, Ilford has been publishing a set of helpful "Darkroom Guides" to the How To playlist on the company YouTube channel. The series was created to help film photographers take their "next steps in your black and white darkroom printing journey." If that describes you, then this is one you'll want to bookmark.

Photographer Teaches a 7 and 9-Year-Old How to Shoot and Develop Film

Photographer William Gilbert recently decided to start a YouTube channel, but rather than asking you to "smash that like button," he chose to kickstart the channel with 20 minutes of "wholesome goodness" instead. He decided to teach his 7- and 9-year-old niece and nephew how to shoot and develop 35mm film.

How to Create a Basic Home YouTube Studio for Less Than $100

If you've been thinking of trying your hand at vlogging or starting a YouTube channel, it might surprise you to learn that you can create a nice-looking "YouTube Studio" setup at home for less that $100. In this video, Boston-based videographer Kellan Reck takes you step-by-step through the whole process.

Instagram Made $20 Billion from Ads in 2019, Out-Earning YouTube by a Lot

Despite plenty of opinions out there saying that stills photography is dying and video is taking over, one metric at least seems to disagree: ad revenue. According to reports, the world's largest photo sharing site (Instagram) out-earned the world's largest video sharing platform (YouTube) by a lot in 2019.

How to Win at YouTube as a Photographer: Advice from the Pros

So you've just finished school and now you have a diploma to certify and declare that you're a bona fide photographer/filmmaker. Or you could be an experienced professional who is just about to wrap your latest gig and now it's time to reach out to your network in search of the next job.

This Guy Tried Using a 200-600mm Lens for Street Photography

Photographer and YouTuber Evan Ranft recently decided to try something unusual. He wanted to see what would happen if he tried to use a 200-600mm lens for... street photography. And while the idea might sound silly on the face of it, you may be surprised by some of the results.

How to Create Killer Match Cuts like Daniel DeArco

Creative consultant and talented videographer Daniel DeArco is one of the best there is at creating impressive transitions from shot-to-shot in his videos. In his latest video, he'll take you behind the scenes to show you exactly how he created one of the coolest cuts in his recent empathy video.

Attacking YouTube Camera Reviewers is Ridiculous

Over the past few weeks, two separate pieces have been published here on PetaPixel attacking YouTube photographers and camera reviewers. Whether it be this video from Mik Milman, or this latest piece from Bob Locher, the low hanging fruit seems to be the idea that the "general YouTube camera reviewer" has no idea what they're talking about. This is ridiculous, and wrong.

The Problem with Camera Reviews by YouTubers

As for many other things, YouTube is a wonderful trove of opinion and information. This is certainly true for photographic interests. And a huge percentage of photographers are particularly interested in still photography, as opposed to videography.

Photo Experiment: Shooting Portraits at 900mm

Photographers and YouTubers Manny Ortiz, Irene Rudnyk and Gerald Undone recently teamed on on something totally ridiculous. During Sony's recent Kando trip, they got a model, slapped a 600mm f/4 lens onto a Sony a6400, and tried shooting some portraits at 900mm.

Opinion: The Problem with Many of the ‘Photographers’ on YouTube

Professional event photographer and photography teacher Mik Milman recently published a video that's bound to receive some mixed reactions. In it, Milman laments the dearth of experience of many photographers who pass themselves off as "experts" on YouTube, earning thousands of followers and possibly misleading beginners by offering bad advice and unqualified critiques.

Using 72 High-Speed Cameras to Capture Bullet-Time Slow Motion

The Hydraulic Press YouTube channel is already an entertaining (if occasionally painful) watch. Who doesn't want to see things get crushed and/or explode... in slow motion? But the channel recently took it up another notch by setting up a ring of 72 high-speed cameras to capture some awesome bullet-time slow-motion footage.