
A side-by-side comparison of a bald man with a gray beard and extensive face tattoos. The left image is in color, revealing the vivid tattoos, while the right image is a black-and-white rendition of the same person, highlighting facial features in contrast.

Disappearing Ink on a Tattooed Man: A Photographer’s Story

The tattooed man arrived at the photographer’s right on time, a walking gallery of living art in vibrant blues, greens, and reds imprinted all over his face and neck. He sat for a portrait in the studio as scheduled.

Wet Plate Photography Makes Tattoos Disappear

Here's something you may not have known about the 1800s wet plate collodion photography process: it can make certain tattoos disappear in photos. It's a curious phenomenon that photographer Michael Bradley used for his portrait project Puaki.

Portraits of Tattooed People, With and Without Clothes

Photographer Alan Powdrill has long been intrigued by tattoos and the idea that people would make permanent statements on their skin. For his project Covered, Powdrill shot portraits of heavily tattooed people in the UK both with and without clothes on.

Photoshopped Portraits of Ex-Gang Members With and Without Tattoos

I’m a big fan of the portrait. It’s even better when the portrait is about more than the photographer’s skill, but about the life, challenges, and successes of the subject. “Skin Deep” by Steven Burton is one such project that caught my eye.

Tattoos Inspired by Double Exposure Photography

We've seen some pretty interesting and quirky photography-themed tattoos in the past—from lens diagrams to a Canon "L" red ring tattoo. But tattoo artist Andrey Lukovnikov's work isn't photography-themed, it's photography-inspired... double exposure photography-inspired to be exact.

Portraits of Rescued Dogs and the Tattooed Owners Who Saved Them

Since 2012, photographer Brian Batista has been shooting an ongoing project titled Tattoos & Rescues. It's a series of portraits that seeks to combat the negative stereotypes surrounding both rescue dogs and tattooed people. The photos are meant to show that looks can be deceiving, and you should get to know both dogs and people before judging them based on outward appearances.

Badass Brides: Wedding Photography that Shatters the Mold, by Mike Allebach

If you type Wedding Photography into Google's Image Search, you'll be greeted by a flood of Pin-able fairytale wedding photographs for the traditional bride who wants the traditional white wedding where everything is perfect and there are no sitcom clap tracks.

But what if you're not the typical couple who wants the typical wedding? What if the best term to describe you is "badass" or simply "different"? Well, that's when you call Allebach Photography, a studio specializing in wedding photography the likes of which you won't see in ye olde bridal magazine... although you will see it in many a tattoo publication.

A Photography Tattoo Based on 120 Film Backing Paper Designs

Photographer Michel Jones has one of the most unique photography-related tattoos we've seen yet. While most photography enthusiasts who get inked may choose designs that are easily recognizable by the general public (e.g. cameras, lenses, photos), Jones went with a design that is enigmatic to most people and even foreign to many photographers. His tattoo is based on the backing paper that comes with 120 film.

‘Say Cheese’ Camera Tattoo Turns Girl’s Forearm into an Optical Illusion

We've shared a number of photography-inspired tattoos in the past, but here's a concept we've never seen before. Brunssum, Netherlands-based tattoo artist Helma van der Weide created this optical illusion tattoo for her daughter Lotte van den Acker's forearm. All Lotte needs to do to show off her passion for photography is cover up her eyes with her arm and voila! Instant photography!

How to Prove Your Loyalty to Canon

Julio César Assis is a hardcore Canon fan. To show his loyalty to the brand and his allegiance to fellow Canonites, he decided to have the logo tattooed on his bicep.

A Camera by Your Side at All Times

While some photo-enthusiasts are content with carrying a camera around with them around the clock, others go a step further and show off their love for the art by having a camera tattooed to their body.