
A Simple Trick for Adding Drama to a Product Photo

Here's a quick tip from talented photographer, filmmaker, and YouTube star Peter McKinnon. In his latest "two-minute Tuesday" video, he showed how adding a simple overlay onto some black foam core can take a basic top-down product shot to the next level.

30 Lightroom Tips and Tricks for Faster Photo Editing

Landscape photographer Christian Möhrle of The Phlog Photography recently put together a handy compilation of his favorite tips and tricks for Adobe Lightroom Classic. Chances are good you'll find at least one or two (and probably several more) little workflow tips that you didn't know about.

How to Use Your Phone as a Tiny LED Panel for Light Painting and Portraits

Here's a simple, maybe even obvious, run-and-gun lighting tip for beginners from the YouTube Channel Run N Gun. If you find yourself using your smartphone for portrait lighting in a pinch, don't turn it around and use the flashlight—download an app or solid color image instead, and use your phone's display as a small LED panel.

How to Change Someone’s Eye Color in Adobe Lightroom

When it comes to major retouching like changing eye color, most of us choose to use Photoshop or a similar pixel editor rather than a RAW editor like Lightroom. But as Anthony Morganti shows in the tutorial above, you don't actually have to leave Lightroom to make this kind of edit.

Photographers, Here’s a Quick and Free Way to Improve Your SEO

Backlinks are a pillar of SEO. As photographers, we have a unique niche in to getting backlinks. Websites need images for their pages, we have images, and some of these websites might be using your images and mentioning your business, but not linking to your website. These are called unlinked mentions, and they are some of the simplest backlinks you can get.

Speed Up Photo Viewing in Lightroom with 1:1 Previews

Ask any photographer their least-favorite thing about Adobe Lightroom, and they will most likely tell you it’s the application’s speed. There are a few tricks to help optimize the responsiveness of Lightroom, and this minute-long Lightroom coffee break video focuses on generating 1:1 previews.

Quick Tip: Refining Local Adjustments in Lightroom

Making local adjustments in Lightroom can be a great way to bring attention to a specific part of your image, but they lack an opacity slider to retroactively change the strength of the effect. This 4-minute video shows you how to tweak the impact of your adjustments after they’ve been applied.

Quick Tip: Composition for Beginners

Improving your composition can bring balance and personality to your photography, simultaneously enabling you to produce more appealing images. And as quick tips go, this 90-second video from Mango Street Lab is absolutely packed full of key compositional advice.

Tip: Set Custom Develop Defaults in Lightroom With This Hidden Feature

Are there particular settings that you want to apply to every photo you import in to Lightroom? Perhaps you always apply Remove Chromatic Aberration, or you have a particular Camera Calibration Profile that you use every time. In this 45-second video, Lightroom team member Benjamin Warde gets straight to the point demonstrating this simple time-saving technique.

Quick Tip: Three Composition ‘Rules’ and How to Break Them

One of the best reasons to learn the rules of photography is so you can start breaking them. In this short video, Canon Explorer of Light and music and sports photographer, David Bergman teaches you how he goes about breaking 3 of the cardinal composition rules in his work, using his Bon Jovi portfolio as an example.

5 Simple Tips for Shooting Better Interior Photography

Whether you're interested in lifestyle photography, real estate imagery, or something in between, knowing how to capture great photos of interiors is a skill all beginners should master. Here are 5 quick tips that'll help up your interior photography game.

Quick Tip: Three Ways to ‘Hack’ Your Crappy Kit Lens

The kit lens that comes with most consumer-grade and entry-level DSLRs—the infamous 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6—isn't exactly anybody's "go-to" lens. It's far from useless though—here are three simple "hacks" that'll help you squeeze a bit more performance out of your kit lens.

7 Tips That Will Help You Extend Your Camera’s Battery Life

We've all heard or read those tips for getting the most out of your smartphone's limited battery life, but what about us photographers? How do you make sure you're squeezing every last shot out of your DSLR or mirrorless camera? This video will tell you.

Quick Tip: A Cleaner Way to Sharpen Your Photos in Photoshop

When you sharpen a photograph, what you're doing is adding contrast to the edges in an image, but unfortunately, that often leads to black and white edging in some areas. In this short, useful Photoshop tutorial, Jimmy McIntyre will show you how to avoid this and sharpen your photos cleanly in Photoshop.

Quick Tip: How to Handle Difficult to Remove Spots in Lightroom

Longtime Adobe Lightroom team member Benjamin Warde shares a very useful little tip in this 60 second episode of Lightroom Coffee Break. If you've ever run across a difficult-to-clone spot in Lightroom, Warde shows you how to use a setting that will definitely help.

Two Ways to Dodge and Burn More Effectively in Photoshop

While Photoshop does have the "Dodge" and "Burn" tools, using them destructively on your original image is definitely not the best way to edit your photos. Check out this tutorial to discover two dodge and burn techniques that are more effective, cleaner, and smarter.