
My Strange Ongoing Troubles with the Canon R5

I’ve been a Canon shooter since I moved into digital about 15 years ago. I had been using Mamiya and Minolta cameras with film and at that time the Canon 50D came out and I decided to give it a go. Since then I worked my way through the 5D lineup to the 5D Mark III and built up a collection of glass that has served me well.

Two Issues I Had with the Leica Q2 in the 1st Month: Dust and Banding

After using a Leica Q for 3.5 years, I decided to pre-order the eagerly anticipated Q2 in early March 2019. Despite owning a number of cameras over the years, the Leica Q had become my go-to camera for its light weight, small size, and high image quality.

8 Common Autofocus Problems and Their Solutions

Having trouble nailing tack-sharp autofocus with your camera? Aside from technical proficiency, there are a number of other issues that could be causing you AF grief. Here's a 14-minute video on 8 common AF problems and their solutions.

Why Your Lightroom CC May Actually Be Slower with the New GPU Acceleration

When Adobe unveiled Lightroom CC/6 last month, one of the big features in the update was support for graphics processors (GPU) in order to speed things up in the Develop module. Adobe claimed that some users would see up to a 10x performance increase with the GPU helping the CPU out.

Unfortunately for some users who bought or upgraded to Lightroom CC/6, that hasn't been the case.

A Cautionary Tale: How a Bug in Dropbox Permanently Deleted 8,000 of My Photos

TL;DR: If you are using Dropbox as a sole backup of your files, think again. Without making a mistake, you might lose your files.

I started using Dropbox back in 2009 and have always loved the service. Over time, I kept moving more and more files to my Dropbox folder and eventually had to upgrade to the Pro plan to keep up with the space requirements. In particular, I moved there all of my photos in order to be able to view/share them online and also to have them backed up.

In April of this year, a hard drive in my laptop was running low on space so I decided to use the Dropbox’s Selective Sync feature to unsync some large directories from the laptop. Because there was never any problem with the service and also because it’s already the year 2014, I thought it might be about time that one can trust a cloud-based storage service and use them as a sole backup of their files. Boy, I was wrong.

Photographer Problems: Photog Stopped at Six Flags for Wearing ‘I Shoot RAW’ Shirt

Many photographers love photo-themed T-Shirts -- from camera brand-specific ones, to the cool offerings of Dodge & Burn, all the way to funny and maybe inappropriate shirts like the Camera Sutra. But, as Fro Knows Photo photographer Jared Polin learned recently, you might wanna leave the photo-themed T-Shirt at home when you visit your local amusement park.

Insurance Company Cites Photography as Most Common Wedding Vendor Issue

According to a recent analysis of its 2012 wedding insurance claims, Travelers Insurance cites the photographer as the most common cause of wedding day mishaps. In its breakdown of the numbers, 24 percent of all wedding issues (the largest chunk) were vendor-related, and 58 percent of all the claims filed under that category involved photos or video.

Nikon Offers Temporary Fix for D4/D800 “Lock Up” Issue

After receiving several complaints from professional and private sources alike, Nikon has finally stepped forward to admit to and address the reported "lock up" issue with its new D4 and D800 DSLRs. The issue, which Nikon maintains only affects "a small number of D4/D800 users," causes both cameras to lock up unexpectedly and up until now could only be "fixed" by removing and reinserting the battery.