
Video: Journalist’s Chest Mounted GoPro Deflects Sniper Bullet

Iraqi journalist Ammar Alwaely owes his life to a GoPro. The little action camera, which was mounted to his chest for a POV perspective, took a sniper bullet for him while he was working in Mosul, Iraq, almost certainly saving his life. (Warning: This video contains strong language).

What Do You Do When ISIS Steals Your Photo?

The Internet is teeming with copyright infringement these days, and there are various ways for photographers to get stolen photos taken down and paid for by the offenders. But what happens when the offender is a UN-designated terrorist organization?

That's a real situation that photographer Brian McCarty found himself with earlier this year. Known for his photos involving children's toys, McCarty found that ISIS had stolen and repurposed one of his toy photos for their propaganda.