
On the left, a woman in a colorful, patterned dress with floral accessories holds a small bouquet. On the right, there are three metal objects: a missile, a hand grenade, and another projectile, all displayed against a plain background.

From TikTok to Minefields: Capturing the Unexpected Reality of Iraq’s Women Deminers

As I set up my makeshift studio in the Mines Advisory Group training base in Kurdistan, Iraq, I expected to photograph somber, conservative Yazidi women whose culture was shrouded in mystery and bizarre rumors. Instead, I found myself directing a TikTok-inspired pose from a Yazidi woman in full traditional dress, complete with ornate headwear and golden adornments - and Adidas sneakers peeking out from underneath.

Video: Journalist’s Chest Mounted GoPro Deflects Sniper Bullet

Iraqi journalist Ammar Alwaely owes his life to a GoPro. The little action camera, which was mounted to his chest for a POV perspective, took a sniper bullet for him while he was working in Mosul, Iraq, almost certainly saving his life. (Warning: This video contains strong language).

A Fire, a Photojournalist, and an Unexpected Package

While studying aerospace engineering at the University of Buffalo, Malaysia-born Marcus Yam caught the photography bug, altering the trajectory of his career. He started his life in photojournalism interning for The Buffalo News, then went on to pursue a graduate degree at Ohio University’s School of Visual Communications.

‘Humans of New York’ Sends Back Powerful Portraits and Heartbreaking Stories from the Middle East

It's getting to the point where you'd be hard pressed to find anybody who doesn't already know about Humans of New York, Brandon Stanton's project turned photobook turned international phenomenon. But that became even harder this week when Stanton took the project on the road with the UN and delivered some of his most powerful portraits from the streets of, not New York City, but Iraq.

Conflict Photogs Reflect on the Realities of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

Conflict photographers like Michael Kamber and Louie Palu have spent years covering the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. They've lost friends, been very nearly killed themselves, and come back with incredible (and sometimes hard to stomach) photos.

Both of their work is currently on display alongside many of their peers' at the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington DC, and in the short video above, they share the stories behind some of their most moving imagery. (Note: the above video contains some strong imagery)

Fashion Photographer Shifts His Focus to Wounded Soldiers

Warning: This post contains strong images of soldiers who have been injured in battle.

Photographer David Jay has documented lots of conventional beauty in his work for major fashion houses and magazines. He’s also helped the world reconsider what “beauty” means with "The Scar Project", a groundbreaking portrait series that captured young breast cancer survivors going forward with their lives.

Now Jay is tackling perhaps an even greater challenge with "The Unknown Soldier,” a powerful new portrait project that captures the post-combat lives of young soldiers seriously injured in Iraq and Afghanistan.