
My Last Mocha: An 8×10 Polaroid Passion Project

Brzz, bzzzrrr. The rollers on the vintage Polaroid developer start to suck in the 8×10 Polaroid. Dan Bosman, a Mars Cafe barista of 14 years, and I are chatting just like we always do.

How to Use the World’s Largest Polaroid Camera

Back in its heyday, Polaroid made seven 20x24-inch instant cameras, and only six of them are known to exist today. Marco Christian Krenn of Analog Things recently paid a visit to the camera found at Supersense in Vienna. In this 10-minute video, Krenn shows how this ultra-rare camera is used.

Fujifilm: Polaroid Demanding Millions Per Year for White Border on Instax

Fujifilm has filed a legal complaint in the US, accusing Polaroid of turning against the company and demanding millions of dollars in royalty payments per year for the use of its white borders on its new Instax Square instant film. Polaroid is allegedly threatening Fujifilm with a trademark lawsuit if it doesn't comply.

Lab2Cam Transforms the Impossible Instant Lab Into an Instant Camera

Launched back in 2012, the Impossible Instant Lab is a device that prints out your iPhone photos as Impossible instant photos. But what if you want to use the Instant Lab itself as an instant camera instead of an instant printer?

The Vienna-based brand SUPERSENSE has a solution. Today the analog brand announced the Lab2Cam Conversion Kit, which allows you to transform your Instant Lab into an instant camera by mounting a Polaroid SX-70 lens to it.

Surreal Composites Created by Arranging Individual Instant Photos

Since 2006, Brooklyn-based artist Patrick Winfield has been creating incredible photo collages by photographing and recreating scenes using a large number of individual instant photo prints. Some of his pieces are composed by more than over one hundred instant photos! Although his work mostly featured Polaroid films early on, Winfield branched out into other types as well (e.g. The Impossible Project instant films) after Polaroid bowed out of the industry.

Wall Mounted Box Prints Polaroid-style Photos Remotely

Instaprint is a neat wall-mounted printer that fuses old-school Polaroid-style instant photos with social media (namely Basically it's a box you rent for events that contains a modified, Internet-connected Zink printer. It uses the API to constantly scan for a specific location or hashtag, and when new photos are found they're automatically printed and pushed out the bottom.