
How to Contact Facebook Support

Facebook is one of the largest social media networks in the world, with about three billion active users. That equates to a massive demand for Facebook support. Like most prominent internet companies, Facebook tries to handle support with automated systems to reduce the burden on its representatives.

Photographers Raise Over $90,000 to Help Their Out-of-Work Assistants

Several big name photographers are using their art to support a critical part of our creative community: their assistants. By selling limited edition prints, photographers like Tim Tadder and Erik Almas have raised tens of thousands of dollars to help get their crews through this difficult time.

Flickr CEO Posts Public Plea for Help to ‘Keep the Flickr Dream Alive’

Flickr is in trouble... again... or maybe still. In an open letter to Flickr users and fans published on the company's blog, SmugMug CEO and Co-Founder Don MacAskill admitted that his company has not yet managed to make Flickr profitable, and implored photographers to consider upgrading to Flickr Pro in order to "keep the Flickr dream alive."

8 Common Autofocus Problems and Their Solutions

Having trouble nailing tack-sharp autofocus with your camera? Aside from technical proficiency, there are a number of other issues that could be causing you AF grief. Here's a 14-minute video on 8 common AF problems and their solutions.

Camera51 App Automatically Helps You Compose Better Photos with Your Smartphone

Now that practically every phone on the market has a camera, it’s easy for anyone to become a ‘photographer.’ What isn’t nearly as easy is consistently capturing quality images using those phones, especially if you don’t have any background in photography.

But a new app called Camera51 aims to solve these woes by becoming a little composition instructor on-the-go.

Should You Take that Lower-Paying Job for ‘Photo Credits’ from a Big Publication?

One question -- or should we say debate -- that often arises among photographers is whether or not you should take a lower-paying job if it means getting an assignment from a reputable publication or brand. The hope, of course, is that the impressive photo credits will entice other clients to hire you for a fair rate, making up for the initially low pay.

While there is no “right” answer to this question, the team over at PhotoShelter asked John Harrington, author of a number of top-selling photography books, to weigh in on the debate over Skype.

15 Easy Ways to Improve Your Photo Skills Without Buying New Gear

New cameras, lenses and accessories open up the possibility of fresh adventures in photography. In reality though, most of us have to make do with what we’ve got, upgrading to new camera kit as and when we can afford it. With that in mind, here are 15 suggestions to help beginning and intermediate photographers improve your photography without splashing out on new gear.

Free Pricing Guides Help Budding Photogs Navigate the Business Side of the Industry

One of the challenges if you're just now carving out your niche in this crazy world of professional photography is figuring out how to price your work. How exactly do you determine how much your photos are worth, what expenses can you expect to run into, what contracts are you likely to run into and what exactly do they mean?

All of this and more is explained in a series of free guides that PhotoShelter has released over the course of the last year. Starting with Magazine Photography, then Corporate & Industrial Photography and finally finishing off the series with a guide for Photojournalists.

Photojournalist Given Humanitarian Award for Choosing to Help Before Taking Photos

As a photojournalist, there are many moments where you have to answer a simple ethical question: do you take the photo, or do you try to help? This happens a lot in more tragic events, and conflict photographers are often accused of making the wrong choice.

Which is the right and wrong choice is up for debate in any given situation -- a photo might spark change on an international level after all -- but one thing is for sure: we don't often hear about photojournalists putting down the camera and choosing to help right then and there. That, however, is exactly what happened in the case of Miami Herald photojournalist Al Diaz in February of this year.

Tutorial Shares How to Turn an ‘OK’ Photo Into a Great Photo in Post

No matter how long you've been shooting or what level you're at in your photography endeavors, there will always be those moments where you walk away from a shoot unsatisfied with how some of the images turned out. It happens to the best of us.

Thankfully, photographer and retoucher Glyn Dewis has created a great tutorial that shows you how to turn an OK -- or even bad -- shot into an awesome one with the help of Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop.

How Would You React if Your Photography Dreams Were Shattered in an Instant?

It's a question we hope none of you ever have to answer, but one that a talented colleague and PetaPixel reader is facing with incredible optimism and strength.

Wedding photographer Anthony Carbajal was recently diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), better known as Lou Gehrig's disease. And he's now reaching out to the photography community for support as he comes to terms with the end of a three-year professional career that was everything he could have hoped for.

Well, Actually…Maybe I Don’t Know How Your Camera Works

"Can you help me with my camera?" I get that a lot, as I'm sure do most camera weenies whose geek credentials are a little too obvious.

And most of the time I'm happy to co-operate. Ideally, I get the warm, fuzzy feeling of knowing somebody is going to have legible images of a key moment in their lives. At worst, at least there'll be one less uncontrolled on-board flash to blind me.

Users Take to the Flickr Feedback Forum to Voice Displeasure with the Redesign

After Yahoo! announced and implemented its major Flickr redesign, the company invited users to give their feedback on Flickr's help forum. Of course, the company was probably hoping for constructive feedback -- as in questions and polite suggestions. What it got instead was a tidal wave of negative comments bashing the new layout and, in some cases, the staff themselves.

Anti-Abuse Ad Uses Lenticular Printing to Show Alternate Photo to Kids

Last week we shared some photos from an awareness campaign by the Mexican organization Save the Children, which showed the "cycle of abuse" through powerful, hard-to-stomach photos of children growing into future abusers. The ads were meant to illustrate the statistic that 70 percent of abused children turn into abusing adults.

Spanish organization the ANAR Foundation (Aid to Children and Adolescents at Risk) recently released a campaign that makes similarly powerful use of photography, only they're taking advantage of the process of lenticular printing to send an offer of help to abused children without alerting their abusers, even if they're walking together.