
Photographer Captures the Plight of Flood Survivors in South Sudan

Peter Caton has photographed the devastating flooding in South Sudan in North Africa over three trips spanning more than a year. There, families are found walking through crocodile-infested waters to find plants such as wild water lilies to eat as their crops have been destroyed by three years of floods.

Photographer Captures Eerie Images of Venice Underwater

This past November, Venice experienced its worst flooding in over 50 years, prompting the government to declare a state of emergency. But while news of the flooding caused thousands to cancel their travel plans, photographer Natalia Elena Massi did the exact opposite: she packed her bags and drove to Venice.

Saving Priceless Family Photos from Hurricane Harvey Floodwaters

Record-smashing rainfall brought by Hurricane Harvey recently flooded thousands of homes across the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast, including my grandmother’s home in Southwest Houston. Despite being located in a flood-prone area, her single-story house had never flooded before in more than five decades of her living in that house.

Photographing Paris Underwater After Heavy Flooding

A few days ago, we had a crazy flood in Paris. The Seine rose by a whopping 6.10m (20 feet for you imperial friends), overflowing the banks, depriving people of electricity, and flooding buildings, public transports, and businesses. It was a rather destructive flood, especially for cities outside of Paris where entire towns, as I am writing this, are still chest-deep underwater.

Aerial Photos Capture the Damage Left in the Wake of Colorado’s Fires and Floods

Over the course of 2013, the beautiful state of Colorado has been ravaged by many fires and, most recently, devastating flooding as well. When it comes to capturing this kind of mass-scale destruction in photographs, the best option is to take to the skies, which is exactly what aerial photographer and Colorado resident John Wark has been doing.

As wildfires and flooding took their turns on the Colorado landscape, Wark captured it all from his Husky A1, compiling all of the photos into two series titled Colorado Flood of 2013 and Colorado Wildfires.