
Kodak PixPro SP360 4K: A 360-Degree Action Camera

JK Imaging has announced the latest in their series of Kodak-brand action cameras. The new PixPro SP360 4K is a 12MP action camera with the ability to take 360-degree spherical images or 4K HD video up to 2028x2028 at 50fps. Positioned as a successor to the original SP360, the SP360 4K is promising to deliver higher resolution video and a 720p 120fps slow-motion capture mode.

Video: This Cab Ride Through NYC at Night is Made from 3,454 Individual Oil Paintings

Stop-motion is a painstaking and labor and time-intensive process when you do it with photographs, so imagine creating an entire stop-motion video using only oil paintings. That's exactly what ambient folk band The Sea The Sea decided to do for their most recent music video, enlisting the help of artist Zachary Johnson to do the heavy lifting... or painting.

In all, the final music video is made up of 3,454 oil paintings that take you on a nighttime cab ride home through New York City.

Sony Slaps Front-Facing Flash On the New Xperia C3, the ‘PROselfie Smartphone’

It was inevitable, really. With the advent of front-facing cameras, we should’ve known that eventually a phone would put as much, if not more, emphasis on the front-facing camera as the one in the rear.

The new Sony Xperia C3 is that phone. In an attempt to draw in the selfie-addicted generation, Sony’s latest Xperia C3 touts a wide-angle 5-megapixel front-facing camera with a built-in ‘soft' LED flash.