This is Why You Should Post-Process Your Photography

I took the best photo of my life today. I came down from the mountain and loaded it up on my computer. When I brought the photos up on my screen, they were just trees. Bummer. But it felt so good; looked so good on my camera’s LCD. What’s the deal with that?

Photographer Pulls Man from Burning SUV, Saves His Life

Photojournalist and cameraman Austin Raishbrook is being hailed as a hero after the veteran news photographer ran across a California freeway on New Year's Eve to pull a man out of his burning SUV, ultimately saving his life.

EyeEm Let an AI Pick Their Top Photos of 2016, It Chose These

What's your computer's favorite photo? It seems like a ridiculous question, but EyeEm recently asked their AI something similar. Since no single human could possibly go through the millions of images uploaded to their service last year, EyeEm let their special EyeEm Vision AI pick the Top Photos of 2016.

This Camera App is Taking On Human Trafficking with Photos of Hotel Rooms

Human trafficking is a horrific problem that affects an estimated 20+ million people globally, but don't let that statistic overwhelm you. Thanks to the camera app TraffickCam, anybody with a smartphone can help fight this horror in a small way: by taking pictures of their hotel room when they travel.

7 New Year’s Resolutions Every Photographer Should Make in 2017

Every year I learn more about photography as an art form and a business. I’ve struggled over the past few years with finding a balance between pursuing the photography I love and posting things to social media that get the most likes.

Photographing the Famous Abandoned Church Full of ‘Ghosts’

In this blog I would like to show you one of the scariest churches I have ever visited, back in March 2015. The church is located in a small town in the Czech Republic, and it was originally built in the 14th century.

The Diamond Ratio: The Ultimate Rule of Photo Composition

You have no doubt heard of the Golden Ratio, which is somehow or other connected to the Golden Mean and the Fibonacci Spiral, which is oft-touted as the basis of all great compositions. It is less likely that you have heard of the Diamond Ratio.

How to Shoot Street Portraits With Permission

If there is one genre of street photography I specialize in, it is street portraiture. I love talking with my subjects, engaging with them, and focusing on their faces. If I started shooting street portraits all over again, this is the advice I would give myself.