How to Make Your Own Profiles for Adobe Camera Raw and Lightroom
Earlier this month, Adobe released an update that massively revamped its Camera Profiles, renaming the feature Profiles. In addition to 6 new Adobe Raw profiles, there are also creative profiles. And instead of downloading and/or buying third-party creative profiles, you can make your own.
“Keep in mind that creating a profile is rather complex, includes many steps, and should be considered rather advanced: proceed with caution,” Haftel writes. “[P]rofiles are very different from presets, and as such, there’s lots of stuff that can go wrong while making them. Experiment, have fun, and go slowly.”
After clicking on the Presets tab in Adobe Camera Raw, you’ll see an icon at the bottom that lets you create a new preset. But if you hold the Alt/Option key, clicking that icon brings up the New Profile window instead of the standard New Preset one.
Adobe has also released a Profiles SDK (software development kit) that “provides resources for creating enhanced profiles” — it contains detailed info and sample files to get you going.