Airnef: Wirelessly Transfer Photos and Videos from a Nikon to a Computer

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Integrated Wi-Fi is quickly becoming a standard for many camera manufacturers who are trying to stay up to date with the latest trends. It took a while for the two giants, Nikon and Canon, to get on board, but most of their latest cameras have been rolling out with wireless connectivity.

If you shoot with a wirelessly-connected Nikon camera, Airnef is an open-source utility for transferring your photos to a Windows, OS X, or Linux computer.

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Airnef is able to download images and movies from your Wi-Fi-equipped Nikon camera. Just install the software onto your computer to get started. Written in the Python programming language, Airnef is available on all the most popular operating systems, ensuring that you won’t be left out of the fun. In addition to working with Nikon, the software can work with Canon cameras if you aren’t a fan of the company’s EOS Utility.

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Begin by firing up the application and choosing how you wish to select your photographs for download from your camera. The program can download all of the images from your camera with the click of a button, skipping items that have already been previously downloaded. If you want to get a bit more advanced, you can select your desired file type, download order, and file names.

The video above is a quick demonstration of how to use the software with your Nikon camera. If you’re interested, be sure to visit the official website to download the application for yourself.

(via airnef via Imaging Resource)
