Video: How to Use Lightroom to Make Colors ‘Pop’ In Your Autumn Photographs

Autumn is well underway here in the United States, so what better way to honor the colorful season than to share with you a post-production walkthrough by Serge Ramelli that will show you how to make your seasonal snapshots ‘pop’ with color.

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The key to making the most of your autumn photos, says Remelli, is to edit the photograph locally, not with global settings. By using the various methods of localized editing present in Lightroom, Remelli uses the Hue and Saturation sliders to subtly bring to life the colors of the trees and sky in his example image.

It’s a pretty basic tutorial and the final look may be different from your tastes, but if you’re not super familiar with Lightroom yet, the tutorial offers a look at some of the things you can do with colors.
