How to Photograph Yourself With a Loved One if You’re Forever Alone

If you’re forever alone and want to photograph yourself locked in a warm embrace in a doorway, check out this article by Japanese website Daily Portal — one of the strangest photography tutorials we’ve ever seen.

The author’s big idea involves using a wig on one hand, some nail polish on the other, a camera on a tripod, and a carefully chosen doorway for an illusion of warmth and love. Be careful though: he warns that if you choose the wrong angle, it “becomes a stupid photo.”

Thankfully, the tutorial appears to be a tongue-in-cheek article written for amusement, so you don’t need to feel too sorry for (or creeped out by) the author.

The step-by-step directions are in Japanese, but a little Google Translate magic does the trick (the photos speak for themselves though).
