December 2009

Customize Your Bokeh with the Bokeh Masters Kit

Here's yet another interesting camera accessory that might make a good present this Christmas season.

Back in April of 2007, Udi Tirosh over at DIYPhotography wrote an article describing how to customize your bokeh using a paper cutout in front of your lens. That do-it-yourself project was so successful that Udi has now turned it into a camera accessory you can purchase.

Dancing to Music in Timelapse

Here's your daily dose of (semi)photographic inspiration: Musical duo Gloobic put together this creative video in which Eric Gunther, one of the two members, dances to a Gloobic track in timelapse.

SnapHaven Offers Lifetime Guaranteed Photo Storage

Back in September we wrote an article discussing how difficult it is to keep digital photographs safe for a really, really long time. We mentioned that storing your images with a reliable service like Amazon is probably much safer than trying to archive data yourself, since you're probably not an expert at doing so.

Aputure Gigtube: A Shutter Release with Live View

Here's a little DSLR accessory that might be a great Christmas present for a photographer you know. The Aputure Gigtube is a "remote viewfinder" that allows you to use the "live view" functionality of your camera off-camera. You can either mount it on your hot-shoe, or use it separately as a remote shutter release.

Photographers Must Think Outside the Box

Just came across this hilarious animation of two guys discussing "thinking outside the box". Now, I guess these guys could be anyone from philosophers to painters, but I like to think they're photographers who are trying too hard to be "artistic". Enjoy.

Search the Web with Photographs Using Google Goggles

Google announced a pretty awesome new product today called Google Goggles that has the potential to completely change the way we think about search. It's basically an application that will tell you all sorts of information based on photographs you take with your camera phone.