
How to Fake the Northern Lights in Photoshop

Seeing and photographing the Aurora Borealis is pretty high on many a photographer's wish list, but if you don't live in the arctic circle (or don't have the budget to get there), then capturing this amazing display may have to wait a while. In the meantime, let the folks at Phlearn show you how to fake the Northern Lights using Photoshop.

This Photoshop Trick Lets You Easily Fix Color Fringing

Photoshop and Lightroom both have built-in tools for dealing with chromatic aberration (AKA color fringing), but in some cases the features don't work as well as you'd hope. In the 8-minute video tutorial above, photographer Steve Perry of Backcountry Gallery shares a quick and easy trick he uses in Photoshop to manually remove fringing from his shots.

Halloween Tutorial: How to Carve a Realistic Looking Jack O’ Lantern in Photoshop

Love carving Jack O' Lanterns? Hate the mess? No problem. We are photographers after all, which means we don't need to actually go out and DO things like this... we can just 'fix it in post.' Jokes aside, this short and simple tutorial will show you how to carve a simple Jack O' Lantern entirely inside of Photoshop.

No seeds, no sharp objects, no mess, just a bit of digital trickery.

How to Photograph the Night Sky

Photographer Ben Canales created this great video tutorial teaching the basics of shooting the night sky. He goes over how to shoot quick test shots to set up your composition before discussing more in-depth tips and tricks for capturing the final shot, including the "Rule of 600".