Rolex Retouching Timelapse Demonstrates Astonishing Skill and Attention to Detail
Okay, we know you’ve asked for less time-lapses and we’re doing our best to kick the habit, but this one couldn’t be helped, and we’re pretty sure you’ll forgive us. It’s not your standard stunning landscape time-lapse, this one shows the remarkable attention to detail and skill that goes into taking a great photograph of a Rolex watch, and making it phenomenal.
Here’s a before and after:
The original photos were taken with a Phase One and Mamiya Leaf, and lest you think he captured crappy images and trusted in his Photoshop skills to fix them, that shoot took one and a half hours and spit out a few pretty incredible photos to begin with. As we said at the top, what he does in the video is take a great photo and make it phenomenal… and maybe blow our minds a bit in the process.
To see more examples of Jörg’s photography, head over to his website here. And if you’d like to watch him work some more, you can find more retouching videos on his YouTube channel here.