
How To Snap Spectacular Fourth of July Fireworks This Summer

After a year indoors, this year’s Fourth of July fireworks are sure to be one of the highlights of summer. As most photographers know, the bright flash from fireworks against the dark night sky can make it tricky for both novice and experienced photographers to get a crystal-clear image of the spectacle.

20 Essential Photography Tips For Beginner Photographers

Starting out in photography can be really confusing. There is so much stuff to learn, so many things to do, and so many resources to read, not to mention the insane amount of people screaming opinions at you all the time. It’s hard to fight through all the noise.

48 Travel Photography Tips to Improve Your Craft

In my mind, I roam the American West and meander along the coast of the Adriatic Sea. I imagine myself at non-descript train depots in Kerala drinking chai with men donning patterned lungis and transport myself to Peru’s Sacred Valley picnicking on yams and grilled cuy. My dreamscapes include vast deserts, forest retreats, even chaotic urban mishegoss. In most of my daydreams, I have a camera by my side.

How to Best Photograph Food with a Straight-On Perspective

The straight-on angle is great for food photography because it gives your subject a sense of grandeur and can make it jump out of the picture. This angle is well suited to foods that are tall or layered as from this angle you can get a better idea of its scale or better reveal those layers.

This Astronomy Calendar Details Major Astronomical Events Through 2022

Those who want to photograph the night sky can leverage techniques common to all of landscape photography, but they still need to know when, and where, the objects they want to capture in the night sky are going to happen. To help out with that, Telescope Guide has released its 2021-2022 Astronomy Guide and Events Calendar including the best things to see in the night sky.

5 Tips for Black and White Landscape Photography

Capturing photos in black and white is quite a challenging task. It is certainly one of the most complicated fields of landscape photography. One needs to be very careful about the circumstances where the photos will actually look good in black and white.

How to Stay Safe as a Model or Photographer

I’ve been swimming in this industry since the spring of 1997, ultimately on both sides of the lens. I have witnessed titans rise and fall with the decimation of film in favor of digital pixels. I’ve taken part in the tidal wave of new and incredible talent from around the world thanks to affordable cameras and computers.

Steps You Can Take to Help Prevent Camera Theft

As you may have read, my gear was stolen in broad daylight as the camera was rolling two weeks ago in a public San Francisco park. It may be getting worse out there: another photographer got hit this week looking at Golden Gate Bridge.

What Defines an ‘Interesting’ Photo and How Do You Create One?

Why do we create photos? Well, for a variety of reasons, but the one reason that connects them all is we feel we have made something that we want to share and we feel is worth time and attention. So, how can we create photos that are worthy of another’s time and attention?

What Makes a Compelling Landscape Photograph?

Long before photography was even a dream, people were trying to document the beauty of landscapes in a two-dimensional medium. From romantic interpretations of natural beauty to the realistic and mystifying Hudson River School painters, there have always been trends in how we see the landscape.

How to Control Capture One on a Mac With Your iPhone or iPad

With the latest iOS 14 comes some great features, and one of my favorites is the new shortcut app. If you don't know what a shortcut app is, it allows you to perform complicated tasks automatically, some without any interaction whatsoever.

10 Tips for Wide-Angle Landscape Photography

Wide-angle shots are by far the most popular type in landscape photography, and it is for obvious reasons. One can get a lot of the landscape in a single frame and a lot more out of wide-angle lenses.

Things I’ve Learned Over 10 Years of Street Photography

I’m not a professional, but I take my street photography seriously. Because I enjoy it so much, I’ve invested a lot of time learning the craft and practicing it. I’m not great, but I’m better than I was.

100 Photography Tips for Beginners

Back when I started out as a photographer in the mid-1990s, I had to figure everything out by myself. I made a lot of mistakes, but in doing so I learned a great deal. To help others, I have put together this list of 100 tips that every beginner photographer should hear.

10 Basic Landscape Photography Composition Tips

Composition in landscape photography is of utmost importance for creating amazing photos. It is basically the way we put the objects in our frame to carve out meaningful images.

Read This If You’ve Ever Been Scared Before a Photo Shoot

In the age of increased mental health awareness, it is important to address some mental health issues that photographers may have to cope with. For many, that is primarily anxiety. In this article, I will break down a few ways you can be less anxious before and during a shoot.

10 Tips To Leverage Neon Lights for Stellar Portraiture

Neon signs give off a unique light that can make for some stunningly colorful, glowing photographs. But the same properties that make them look magical to the human eye can also make them difficult to photograph.

Improve Your Minimalist Photography with These 6 Guidelines

Of all of the artistic photography styles, one of the most interesting is also the most basic-looking. However, don’t let that label fool you, there is nothing basic about the process of successful minimalist photography.

5 Basic Mistakes to Avoid When Post-Processing Landscapes

While landscape photography is a lot about composition and on-location practices, one can never dismiss the importance of post-processing (or editing) the images. One question I am always asked is: "Why is editing necessary?"

To Shoot Great Portraits, Learn To Control The Background

If you don’t control the background, you’re not controlling your image. In this video and article, I'll share 7 different ways to control your background and give you better images. These are simple techniques to master to improve your photography.

10 Basic Landscape Photography Tips

In this article, I'll share 10 of the most important things that a landscape photographer needs to keep in mind while preparing and while on a shoot. We tend to forget the most common things and end up getting messed up during shoots, so I'll be sharing some pre-shoot tips and some on-location ideas to help you get better with your landscape photos.

Action Packed: Photographing Mountain Bikers with the EOS R5

For most photographers, it’s been an interesting past year and my experience is no exception. My regular work shooting for commercial clients and agencies in the San Francisco Bay Area was upended by the Coronavirus pandemic, and keeping busy has meant constantly shifting gears to keep the calendar full.