
On the left, a rocket is launching with bright flames and smoke. On the right, a space station orbits above a crater-filled lunar surface under a black sky. FigsFanPhotos text appears twice on the image.

These Incredible Moon Mission Photos Are Actually Lego Scenes

For many children, Lego provides a fun way to be creative and learn new skills. For some, Lego becomes a lifelong passion that continues to transport them to imaginative new places. Photographer Benedek Lampert is one of these people, as evidenced by his latest project that uses clever Lego building and brilliant photography skills to recreate space photos.

NASA Publishes Haunting Photographs of the Antares Rocket Explosion

On October 28th, 2014, the Orbital ATK Antares rocket exploded on takeoff, destroying the vehicle and the supplies that were being sent to the astronauts on-board the International Space Station. The explosion was captured by a large number of photographers and videographers observing from a distance, but now NASA has published its own up-close photos of the explosion.

Frog Photobombs NASA Launch Photo

Check out this photograph NASA captured recently during the launch of its LADEE spacecraft. Notice anything unusual? If you're thinking that the strange dark spot seen in the middle of the smoke plume looks familiar, you're right -- that's a frog.

Photographs Launched into Space on the Voyager Space Probes

If you had the task of choosing some photos that represented Earth and mankind to extraterrestrial life forms, which photos would you select? NASA had to do this back in 1977 when it launched the Voyager space probes, which are now the farthest human-made objects from Earth. A committee led by Carl Sagan eventually settled on 116 images:

[...] a collection of 116 pictures (one of which is for calibration) detailing but not limited to human life on earth and the planet itself. Many pictures are annotated with one or many indications of scales of time, size or mass. Some images also contain indications of chemical composition. All measures used on the pictures are first defined in the first few images using physical references.

Among the photos chosen was Ansel Adam's famous Snake River and Grand Tetons photograph.