
How to Add Front Bokeh to a Portrait Using Christmas Lights

We're all familiar with the fuzzy circles that bokeh creates usually behind our main subject, but this lesson is about creating bokeh in front of the subject. And that is what Mark Wallace is about to show us in the 6-minute video above. This episode of Adorama TV is about getting a kind of outdoor feel and adding depth to your indoor portraits.

Back to the Basics: ISO and Noise Explained

As photography technology continues to improve year in and year out, the ISO ranges we’re capable of pulling quality images from are getting truly ridiculous. But as amazing as the improvements in ISO are, it's important to have an understanding of what ISO actually is and how you can make the most of these growing numbers.

It's those questions that Mike Wallace tackles in the detailed video above, as he breaks down that part of the exposure triangle that is all too often misunderstood or ignored altogether.

Tutorial: Everything You Need to Know About Using Auto Exposure Bracketing

Exposure bracketing is the practice of taking several exposures – at least two, usually more – of the same scene. With each exposure taken, the goal is to vary the exposure time, effectively giving you more range to work with in post when all is said and done. Nowadays such capability is implemented into the firmware of cameras, allowing you to automatically set this up and capture all of the exposure with only one press of the shutter.