
Lighting a Photo Shoot with 100 Mini LED Lights

We are going to use 100 Lume Cube LED lights to teach you how continuous light can be used on a set. Using continuous light on set for still photography is a great way to learn photographic concepts and getting you comfortable with lighting techniques.

Quick Tip: How to Take Holiday Photos with LED Christmas Lights

It's the holiday season and everyone's favorite photography background prop is Christmas lights. It used to be pretty easy to get these photos to come out perfect, but with the rise in popularity of LED lights, there's some weird stuff that happens if you don't have the right camera settings.

Behind The Scenes With One of Light Painting’s Pioneers

German photographer Jan Leonardo Wöllert doesn't just do "light painting," for him light painting probably denotes nothing more than a photographical hobby that many people enjoy trying out on occasion. No, Wöllert specializes in "light art performance photography," and this feature on Deutsche Welle TV illustrates the difference quite well.