
Photo Myth Busters: Recreating a Crazy Photo Idea from Top Gun

Remember in the movie Top Gun, when Goose and Maverick go canopy to canopy with a Russian jet, and Goose snaps that Polaroid? Advertising photographer Blair Bunting wanted to find out if it was possible... so he convinced a jet team to let him try it.

This Slow-Mo Clip Shows What It’s Like to Photograph Planes Landing at Maho Beach

A video posted by Paul Luning (@pluning) on Feb 14, 2015 at 9:45am PST

Maho Beach in the Caribbean islands is famous for being a place where you can stand directly under airliners as they're landing at Princess Juliana International Airport. With giant airplanes roaring so close overhead, the beach is a popular photo spot that results in some unbelievable images.

Photographer and travel blogger Paul Luning recently paid a visit to the beach, capturing the eye-opening video above that shows just how close the planes come to the people on the beach below.