
Rediscovering the Orotone

The modern orotone can be created in a number of ways, the most popular using a coating of liquid emulsion on a glass plate with a gelatine base. This method produces some excellent results with a minimum of effort.

Long Exposure Photography from the Cockpit of a 747

One of the most frequently asked questions I get is how I shoot long-exposure photos from the cockpit of an airliner and how they end up sharp, despite flying at roughly 950kmh/590mph/500kts through the air. I will try to answer that question in more detail, going through the process and challenges step by step. Hopefully it sheds some light (pun intended) on the techniques I use and for the pilot-photographers among us some valuable and easy-to-use tips for your next night-flight.

How Camera Film Gets Processed in a Lab

I was recently fortunate enough to get an inside and ‘behind-the-scenes’ look into how film processing works at Richard Photo Lab in Valencia, CA. As the step by step process is very complex, if you’ve ever wondered what the stages of film developing are and look like, come and take this video tour with us!

This is How You Replace the Shutter in a DSLR

Want to see how the shutter system in a modern DSLR is replaced once it fails? The South African camera repair company Photographic Repairs shared this time-lapse of a shutter replacement surgery involving a Canon 6D.

How Colorization Experts Breathe New Colors Into Old B&W Photos

We've shared some impressive work by photo colorizers who use Photoshop skills and hard work to add realistic colors into historical monochrome photos. If you're wondering how its done, check out this 7-minute video by Vox that discusses the process. (Note: there's a bit of strong language.)

Using Humidification and Electrostatic Force in Digitizing Old Newspapers

Often when scoping out digitization projects, devising complementary conservation treatments that assist in digital photo capture are challenging aspects of overall workflow design. And so it has been the case with our recent efforts at UConn Library on a set of 19th century Latin American newspapers from the University's archives and special collections.

This Amazing Photo Process is Called Gumoil Printing

Photographer Anna Ostanina of St. Petersburg, Russia, has spent years working with alternative photo printing techniques. Her favorite is one called gumoil printing.

The 2-minute video above shows how Ostanina recently used the process to create a giant print showing the portrait of a girl.