
Adobe building

Adobe Faces Financial Penalties Due to an Ongoing FTC Investigation

It has been a busy week for Adobe, for good and bad reasons alike. In addition to recording record revenue, yet again, and being sued by a Dutch data watchdog for alleged illegal data collection, Adobe is also under investigation by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for its disclosure and subscription cancellation practices.

Facebook Must Sell Instagram, US Govt Argues

The US Federal Trade Commission has renewed its antitrust legal case against Facebook, arguing that the social media giant is an illegal monopoly and that it should be forced to sell Instagram and WhatsApp.

Facebook’s Buyout of Instagram Finally Receives Government Green Light

Facebook agreed to buy Instagram for $1 billion back in April, but the deal has been in limbo over the past four months while the Federal Trade Commission gave the deal a long look-over. Both online companies got goods news today when the FTC announced that the investigation has been completed, and that the deal may "proceed as proposed."

The "as proposed" part is something that Instagram would probably love to change if it could. As we wrote a couple days ago, the fact that so much of the price was offered as shares of stock, coupled with Facebook's plummeting ticker symbol, means that the $1 billion deal is now only worth around $750 million.