
COVID Kiss: The Story Behind a Pulitzer-Winning Photo Series

Last week, Associated Press photographer Emilio Morenatti delivered to a Spanish couple a framed copy of perhaps the most iconic photo of how the coronavirus pandemic has affected the elderly. In the photo, the two are seen embracing through a plastic sheet after 100 days of not seeing each other.

A Quirky Portrait Series that Features ‘Elderly Kids’

Los Angeles-based photographer Zachary Scott of Sharpe & Associates was recently commissioned by New York Times Magazine to shoot a quirky series of portraits for a feature titled, "What if Age Is Nothing but a Mind-Set?" The piece was about the area of reverse aging research, so Scott's task was to make a group of kids look like they had instantly aged 70 years or so.

Old Faithful: Studio Portraits of Really Old Dogs

Toronto-based photographer Pete Thorne has been shooting a series of studio portraits of dogs. Not just any dogs, though: Thorne is only accepting subjects that are "really, really old." The project is titled "Old Faithful," and now includes over 50 dogs.

Learning Photography Boosts Memory in Seniors, Study Finds

Good news, camera weenies -- not only does photography make you attractive and rich, it helps your brain stay sharp as you age. That's the conclusion of a new University of Texas study that evaluated a number of different types of activities to see how they affected cognitive skills -- particularly memory -- in the elderly.

Movie Villains in Their Twilight Years

For his project titled "Horror Vacui" (latin for "fear of empty space"), photographer Federico Chiesa imagines what the villains and creepy characters of '80s films would be like if they were "still alive" today.

Happy At One Hundred: Emotive Portraits of Centenarians

For his project titled Jahrhundertmensch, German photographer Karsten Thormaehlen shot portraits of elderly men and women who have reached the ripe old age of 100, also known as a "centenarian". In 2009, the UN estimated that there are only about 455,000 centenarians in the world.