Search Results for: razer

Review: The Touch Bar MacBook Pro Through the Eyes of a Creative

This post is a concise review of the touch bar MacBook Pro from a creative point of view. I use and like both PC and Macs and don’t have loyalty to one or the other. This has been a long time coming, and for good reason: I really wanted to put my laptop through the paces for a few months before I formed a true opinion.

The $5 Raspberry Pi Zero is Now Camera Compatible

We've shared a number of do-it-yourself camera projects involving Raspberry Pi in the past. If you're interested in trying your hand at one, it's now even cheaper: the ultra affordable $5 Raspberry Pi Zero now has a camera connector.

How I Used Bigfoot to Say ‘No Hard Feelings’

This is a story of when life gives you lemons, you try and not cry yourself to sleep. The names in this story have been omitted to protect the mistaken.