Instagram Launches ‘Best Practices’ to Help Creators Improve Their Photos and Reels

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Instagram has introduced a new in-app feature called “best practices” which explicitly tells creators how to improve their photos and reels on the platform.

In a blog post on Tuesday, Instagram announced it would be launching a new section in the app’s professional dashboard to help content creators grow their audience.

According to Meta, the new feature will “give creators the information they need to optimize their content, reach more people, and achieve their goals” on Instagram.

The best practices hub will include guidance for Instagram users on topics across Creation, Engagement, Reach, Monetization, and Guidelines.

The Creation category will give users insights on how often to post, how to capture more attention through their photos, and how long their reels should be among other advice. Instagram says that the Creation section will also help users demystify features like trending audio and hashtags on photos and videos.

Two smartphone screens display sections of a social media app under the "Best practices" tab. The left screen shows the "Reach" section with tips on using insights. The right screen shows the "Monetize" section, offering tips on earning money.

Under Engagement, Instagram users will find advice relating to their audience and tips on how to understand their engagement metrics. Meanwhile, the Reach category helps Instagram users learn more about the platform’s algorithms and the relationship between reels and follower growth.

Two side-by-side smartphone screens show tips for creating engaging content. The first screen suggests making relatable reels with compelling photos. The second screen emphasizes deeper engagement and relatable posts to boost interactions. Each screen has icons and progress indicators.

A smartphone screen displaying an Instagram insights page with the title "Learn what can limit your growth." Sections include "Check your Account Status," "Sharing reels with watermarks," "Taking credit for content that isn't yours," and "Engagement bait.

Monetization will help users understand all the different ways they can make money through their videos and photos on Instagram. While the Guidelines category will offer guidance on how to navigate Instagram’s Community policies.

In addition to general advice, each category will include personalized tips to give Instagram users a sense of how their account is doing and educational reels from creators who have been able to grow and succeed on Instagram.

Meta says that best practices will begin rolling out to creators this week and Instagram will continue to expand the feature in the coming months.

Instagram’s latest announcement comes a few months after the photo app revealed that it making “views” the primary metric across all of its formats, including reels, photos, carousels and Stories.

Instagram says the update will help creators better understand how their content is performing, regardless of format. The platform appears to be encouraging creators to re-focus on reach with “views” instead of the traditional metric of followers and likes with content.

Image credits: Header photo licensed via Depositphotos.
