Woman Shocked by Sister’s Request to Replace Herself as Bride in Wedding Photo

woman photoshop sister out wedding photos late mom mother reddit aita

A woman says her newly-engaged sister wants to edit her out of her own wedding photos and Photoshop herself as the bride instead so that she can have a picture with their late mother.

A woman took to the “AITA” Reddit group to discuss how stunned she was by her bride-to-be sister’s unusual Photoshop request.

In the Reddit post, the woman revealed that she had lost her mother five years ago. She also explained that she had gotten married six years ago and has since gotten divorced, but is now engaged again.

Meanwhile, her younger sister has also recently got engaged and now wants to edit her elder sibling out of one of her old wedding photos so that she could be the bride in an image with their late mother.

‘She Wants to Photoshop Herself into My Place’

According to the Reddit user, her younger sister told several people that she is going to hire a professional to carry out the Photoshop request for her and that it’s her dream to edit her sister out of a particular wedding photo.

“At my wedding six years ago, the photographer took a photo of my mom fastening a necklace around my neck,” the Reddit user writes.

“My little sister has told multiple people that when she gets married, she plans to hire someone with graphic design skills to remove me from that photo and Photoshop herself in my place.”

The Reddit user says that she felt distressed by her younger’s sisters request and confused as to why she would want to Photoshop her sibling out of a precious photograph.

“So far, I’ve said nothing, but I’ve always felt hurt by that idea and now that she is actually planning a wedding, I am wondering if I should put my foot down,” the Reddit user explains.

“At the same time, I don’t want to add to her pain either.”

A Photoshop Compromise

Social media users were left shocked by the younger sister’s “creepy” Photoshop request, commenting that there are “so many more respectful ways” to include their late mom into her upcoming wedding day.

The Reddit user has since shared an update on the situation, explaining that she has since spoken to her sister. The woman has asked if her sister would be open to recreating the image and Photoshopping their late mom into a new picture — instead of editing the original photo from her wedding.

The Reddit user told her sister that it would be too “painful” to look at an old wedding photo with their late mom where she had been edited out. Thankfully, her younger sister was understanding and loved the idea of creating a new photo together.

“She said she hadn’t thought about that and that she loves the idea of adding mom into a photo on her wedding day instead of putting herself in my place in that photo from mine,” the Reddit user writes.

Image credits: Header photo licensed via Depositphotos.
