Nikon Confirms New Mirrorless System to Arrive by Spring 2019
Here it is, straight from the horse’s mouth: Nikon has a new mirrorless camera system brewing, and the company is aiming to have it land in photographers’ hands by the spring of 2019.
“[D]evelopment is underway, and we expect to bring one to market by spring next year,” the manager states.
NikonEye predicts that an entry-level full-frame mirrorless camera will be the first camera in the system to be announced and that the camera will have a 30+ megapixel phase-detection sensor and a new lens mount that allows existing F-mount lenses to autofocus using an adapter.
A Sony executive predicted last month that both Canon and Nikon will be releasing full-frame mirrorless cameras within a year, and this month a Japanese news outlet reported that Nikon’s professional mirrorless camera is coming along “at a rapid pace” and confirmed that it would launch by March 2019.
Update on 5/1/18: Here’s the video containing the interview (at 18:30):