The Winning Photos of Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018
The Underwater Photographer of the Year photo competition has just unveiled its winners for 2018. The photos provide gorgeous glimpses into the aquatic world that’s normally out of sight.
“I had had this image in mind for a few years, but it is impossible to capture in one photo, because there is not space inside the wreck to photograph this scene in a single frame,” says Friedrich. “My solution was take a series pictures and stitch them together as a panorama.”
Here are the other top photographs honored in this year’s contest:
British Underwater Photographer of the Year
Up & Coming Underwater Photographer of the Year
Here are the first place winners from all of the categories in this year’s contest:
Most Promising British Underwater Photographer
Black & White
British Waters Macro
British Waters Compact
To see more of the awarded entries, head to the Underwater Photographer of the Year website. You can also see the previous winners for the contest in 2017 and 2016.