Field Curvature, A Tricky Problem in Photography

The above photo is taken at 28mm at f/11 on an ancient Minolta 28-85mm lens, the focus was set to about 2.5 meters and according to the depth of field scales everything should be in focus... but it isn’t.

Guys Fire GoPro Out of an Air Cannon and Stabilize the Footage

Following up on their incredibly popular experiment attaching a GoPro to the end of an arrow and stabilizing the spinning footage, the guys over at Corridor Digital decided to step it up for their next try. This time, Sam and Niko launched the GoPro out of a high powered air cannon.

AP Photographer Keeps Working as Gunman Assassinates Russian Ambassador

AP photographer Burhan Ozbilici is a photojournalist incredibly dedicated to his job; so dedicated, in fact, that he kept on taking pictures when a gunman shot and killed Russian ambassador Andrei Karlov at a photo gallery in Ankara, Turkey. The photos he captured have instantly risen to iconic status.

Quick Tip: Use a Balloon for Better Pop-Up Flash Portraits

We've seen some interesting DIY flash diffusers, but I can't remember ever seeing someone use a blown up balloon. Which is a shame, really, because it's a cheap and effective way to soften your pop-up flash, or even a small speedlight.

Capturing Gorgeous Portraits in the Snow with the Sony a6500

Tag along with photographer Manuel 'Manny' Ortiz on a recent trip to a snowy park with his favorite portrait subject (his wife), favorite portrait lens (the Sony 85mm f/1.4 GM), two speedlights, and the new a6500 mirrorless camera to see what this pint-sized shooter (the camera, not Ortiz) can do!

20 of the Most Beautiful Drone Photos of 2016

Image sharing site Dronestagram is no Instagram, with its 600 Million users, but the drone-specific social network does contain some of the best aerial photography on the Internet. And today, they revealed their 20 best drone photos of 2016.

4 Critical Tips for Shooting in Extreme Cold

I know that for a lot of people, the cold keeps them inside, but it can be really rewarding to go out in the bitter cold. Tonight I got the bug to go out and shoot, but the air temp was -15°F (-26°C), with a windchill of -30°F (-34°C).

Capturing a Rare Lunar ‘Fog Bow’ Under the Northern Lights

Over the years I've seen lots of different phenomena in the sky, but one that has been on my bucket list for quite some time is the very rare lunar fog bow. I've seen photos of it, but I've never managed to capture it in real life... until now.

From 1.0 to CC 2017: A Visual History of Adobe Photoshop

Over the years, Photoshop has evolved from a very rudimentary pixel editing program called "Design" into an image editing powerhouse that most photographers, designers, and digital artists absolutely can't live without. This fun little video captures that journey.

Vine is Stayin’ Alive as an App Called Vine Camera

Twitter announced back in October 2016 that it would be shuttering Vine, its 6-second video sharing service. If you're a faithful Vine user who wants Vine to live on, there's good news for you now: some parts of Vine will live on as an app called Vine Camera.

Telling Stories Through Photos: A Visual Journey into Argentina’s Food Politics

In May of 2016, I had the opportunity to travel to Argentina through my university for the purpose of researching food politics with our anthropology department. I jumped on the opportunity when it was offered, and had the experience of a lifetime learning about conducting anthropological work.

You Don’t Need to Spend a Fortune to Have a Great Photo Studio

I have a studio. For those of you that know me -- the author of the Studio Anywhere books, which focus on shooting anywhere but a studio -- this statement may sound oxymoronic or even blasphemous. Nonetheless, after years of shooting in my cramped basement, I finally outgrew my space and needed a slightly larger, dedicated space to have for working with clients.

Snapchat Wants to Be the Next Great Camera Company

Snapchat is best known for being a social messaging app that has transformed the way people share photos. But its parent company, recently renamed to Snap Inc., has much loftier goals: it's aiming to become a juggernaut of a camera company.

Film Student Let Thief Steal His Phone, Tracked Him to Create This Short Film

We've seen our fair share of strange, voyeuristic, and sometimes ethically questionable photo and video projects, but this one tops the list. After having his phone stolen, film student Anthony van der Meer hatched a plan: he had another phone stolen on purpose, and then followed the thief around for weeks using a hidden app.