Trick: Easily Set Photos to “Private” in iOS by Cropping Them Down

If you own an iOS device, you’ve probably noticed that the Camera Roll in the native Photos app doesn’t come with any way to mark photographs as private. For this reason, the App Store features a large number of apps (both paid and free) designed to offer that feature, allowing you to choose what to show and what not to when someone else is flipping through your photographs. If you want an easy way to “mark photos as private” without having to download a special app (or pay money for a fancy one), Amit Agarwal over at Digital Inspiration offers this simple trick: crop them.

Just hit “edit” and then “crop” on the photos you’d like to keep away from prying eyes, and crop them down to a tiny section in the corner of the image. This way, anyone flipping through your Camera Roll will only see a random color or pattern for that particular photo. Since the crop feature doesn’t touch the original file, you can revert or uncrop whenever you’d like to restore the full version of the photo.

(via Lifehacker)

P.S. If you use Android, there are hacks out there for you too. One of them involves moving your private photos to a directory with a name that starts with a period. This will keep the image out of your Android Gallery.

Image credit: Photo illustration based on Top Secret by [RAWRZ!]
