
IKEA Recreated Its 2021 Catalog Using ‘Photos’ from Animal Crossing

IKEA's catalog is almost iconic in the photo community. But if you were up in arms when they started replacing photos with realistic CGI, then you're really not going to like this... IKEA Taiwan recently redid key pages in its 2021 catalog using in-game 'photos' from the latest Animal Crossing video game.

The Power of Transitions: A Theory of Landscape Photography:

What makes a great landscape photo, great? Some appreciate an image for its technical prowess or adhering to certain rules. It might be focused correctly and sharp throughout the scene. It could be well-exposed, offering wide dynamic range. Some like to see leading lines or the rule of thirds.

Photographer Teaches a 7 and 9-Year-Old How to Shoot and Develop Film

Photographer William Gilbert recently decided to start a YouTube channel, but rather than asking you to "smash that like button," he chose to kickstart the channel with 20 minutes of "wholesome goodness" instead. He decided to teach his 7- and 9-year-old niece and nephew how to shoot and develop 35mm film.

Why Gear Addiction Doesn’t Make You a Better Photographer

One of the many traps photographers can fall into when seeking to grow in their craft is "gear acquisition syndrome" (GAS) or "gear lust". Wedding photographer Taylor Jackson made this entertaining 7-minute video explaining why gear addition isn't the path toward success in photography.

AIPP Silver Lining Awards Show Off Some of Australia’s Best Photography

In an attempt to make the best of a difficult year, the Australian Institute Of Professional Photography (AIPP) put on a unique photo contest. Called the "Silver Lining Awards," the competition didn't just highlight some of the best photography in Australia, it gave contestants a chance to improve their work before submitting final images.

6 Creative Macro Photography Ideas You Probably Haven’t Seen Before

Ever since the beginning of the pandemic (and, really, the beginning of photography), macro photography tutorials have all sort of blended together. The subject matter and techniques are often pretty similar: flowers, bugs, coins, etc. COOPH wanted to change that with their latest "ideas" video.

How to Create Photos of Miniature Worlds Using Household Items

A couple of months ago, photographer and YouTuber Chris Hau stumbled across the miniature world photography of Erin Sullivan and was absolutely blown away. So he decided to try out this style for himself and show you exactly what you need to do to start capturing these miniature worlds at home.

Passion vs Profession: Should I Become a Professional Photographer?

Professional photographer and YouTuber Sean Tucker recently released a video that covers one of the most common (and tricky) questions that enthusiast photographers ask: "should I go pro?" In other words: should I take this thing that I'm passionate about, and turn it into my profession?

Brilliant Nike Ad Combines Archival Footage Into a Seamless Montage

If you spent any time on social media yesterday, you probably ran across the latest Nike ad titled "You Can't Stop Us." The brilliant bit of video editing was put together entirely from archival footage, combining multiple frames into a seamless montage that's dropping jaws left and right.

Why I Might Hate These Old Negatives

Pinball machines; depending on your age, you might know all about them. Once, considered so evil that New York City banned them. Wasted youths (juvenile delinquents) spent days and nights hanging out in pinball palaces. They were so ubiquitous, “The Who” even made them a central part of their rock opera, “Tommy.”

These are the Winners of the 2020 iPhone Photography Awards

This morning, the iPhone Photography Awards—the first and longest running iPhone photography competition—unveiled the winners of its 13th annual contest. As usual, these images represent the best of smartphone photography from around the world, and show what's possible with just a phone, an understanding of light, and a good eye.

This Sunset ‘Levitation’ Photo Was Captured in a Single Shot

Believe it or not, the "levitation" photo above isn't a multi-shot composite. Some lighting equipment was removed from the edge of the frame, but the main image of the woman "floating" above the water is actually a single exposure. It simply took some patience to capture it just right in-camera.

My Photo Shoot with Grant Imahara

For quite some time, I had an understanding with my agent that if they could get me any television show to shoot a campaign for, I wanted it to be Mythbusters. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a nerd at heart, and Mythbusters was the show that really started to make it okay to geek out over science.

Striking Long Exposures Document Life on a Holy River Though Clouds of Migratory Birds

For Delhi-based photographer Sankar Sridhar, the Yamuna river represents a contradiction that he wanted to capture. Choked by industrial and household waste, it's devoid of aquatic life; and yet, every winter, millions of migratory birds come to the legendary river, which is revered as the only river with the power to grant immortality to humans.

Shooting an Automotive Campaign, On Location, Over FaceTime

I recently set out to see what collaborating on an automotive campaign would look like when done virtually. In the words of the always colorful Jeremy Clarkson, “How hard could it be?” TL;DR: Not that hard!

How the Syrian Refugee Crisis Inspired the Photo Editing App Darkroom

Earlier this week, Apple announced the winners of its annual 'Design Awards,' and as usual, one of the honorees was a photo editing app. This year, that app was Darkroom, and while the photo and video editor for iOS is impressive in its own right, the most interesting thing about Darkroom might be the story behind how it came to be.

12 Tips for Abstract Landscape Photography

The grand landscapes are beautiful to view and probably the reason you got into landscape photography but the smaller details and intimate scenes can be just as picturesque. Capturing these scenes isn’t only a great way of creating impressive art, it’s also a creative challenge that forces you to think differently.

How Harry Gruyaert Makes You Fall in Love with Color in His Photography

Martin, the host of about photography, has put together a timely and inspiring ode to the work of photographer Harry Gruyaert—a master of his craft and Magnum photographer whose approach to using color, and his passion for photography in general, is worth studying, admiring, and emulating.