The New Dropbox Pro Offers 1TB for Only $10/mo, Adds a Ton of New Functionality

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Dropbox is a Go-To for many photographers. Whether they’re storing their photography, sharing albums with clients or, ahem, sending files to the press, more often than not it’s Dropbox they use. And starting today, anybody not using Dropbox’s Pro offering has a whole lot more reason to do so thanks to a steep drop in price, a big jump in storage space, and a bunch of new features and functionality.

First, the headliner: price. If you checked the Dropbox website yesterday, the max amount of space you could grab for yourself was 500GB and it would have cost you $50/month or $500/year… hardly a bargain when you consider Google Drive offers a full Terabyte for only $10/mo.

That changes today, because Dropbox Pro and all the perks that come along with the market leader in online storage just matched Google’s price, offering a single option. One TB for $10/month or $100/year.


But price was actually one of the last things that Dropbox mentioned when we spoke to them over the phone yesterday. They’re much more keen on the updated functionality of the Pro offering. Functionality that we think will resonate quite well with photographers.

Most of the updates revolve around sharing, and three new features that give you a lot more control over how you share your work with clients. Basic sharing has been augmented with three new features: Password Protection, Expiration Dates and View-Only Permissions.

Password protected links

The first two apply to links shared with others — say, a wedding client — and are pretty self-explanatory.

No longer will you have to worry that you’ve shared your link with the wrong person; even if you do, they’ll need a password to access it if you decide to set one.

Plus, if you’re sharing a link with the press or maybe you’d like others to offer limited time access to digital files (with a big fat watermark) so you can tempt clients or wedding attendees to buy prints later on, you can now set an expiration date on the link so it disappears after one week, one month, or on any specific date you set.

Shared Links Passwords and Expirations

The last of the three features mentioned, View-Only Permissions, applies to shared folders. Great if you’re working on a project with several people or if you would like to share an album with multiple people who may not be familiar with Dropbox, you can now give them View-Only permission instead of letting them edit the folder.

View-only Permissions - web

People given View-Only permissions will still be able to see the shared folder in their Dropbox, and they can even download the files and information therein, but they can’t add or remove files. This is designated by a tiny lock that shows up both on the web platform and in their own personal Dropbox folder on their computer.

Dropbox - iOS

Finally, in addition to the sharing features, the final update to Dropbox is called Remote Wipe and offers some peace of mind for those of us who are… let’s say… forgetfully inclined.

If you leave your phone or laptop or any other Dropbox loaded device on the subway or in a cab or at a coffee shop, you no longer have to freak out that people will have access to the files in your Dropbox folder. You can wipe individual devices from the Dropbox website in three clicks.

We had this feature demonstrated for us, and it really is instantaneous. You click a little “X,” mark a checkbox, press one more button and, voila, the folder disappears from the device in a matter of seconds. Sure, they have access to the REST of your computer or phone or whathaveyou, but we take what peace of mind we can get.

Remote Wipe

And that’s it. If you’ve never used Dropbox Pro, the new features coupled with the new price and the functionality that was already built into Dropbox will definitely make this a more tempting option.

You can find out more about the update from Dropbox themselves by heading over to the Dropbox blog or, if you’d like to open an account or upgrade your current Basic account, you can give Pro a shot at the new price by clicking here.
