#MyToyPlane: Creative Forced Perspective Photos of Toy Plane Take Off on Instagram

In what is one of the more unique and well-executed uses of perspective photography I’ve ever seen, Instagrammer Varun Thota has combined his love for flight with his daily photo habits to create a unique series of images, aptly called #mytoyplane.

As the son of a helicopter pilot, Thota has loved flying ever since he was a kid. He tells Instagram, “I used to play Microsoft’s Flight Simulator for hours and even used it to train for my mock pilot’s certificate as a kid.” He’s since grown up, but even in his late twenties, his love for flight has kept him stuck on air travel.

As to how he was initially inspired to create this series, he explains:

I decided to start the series when my dad picked up a limited edition Kinder Egg chocolate pack, which included five Airbus A330s inside them. A lot of the photos using that hashtag are quite amazing and it was interesting to see how people even blended in photos of planes with insane backgrounds. I wanted to do something similar, and the idea of using the perfectly sized Kinder Egg planes with someone holding it to add perspective was what I decided to try.

The results are both playful and creative, making great use of the Macau terrain and cityscapes.

As far as choosing locations go, Thota told Instagram that he, “tr[ies] to pick them when I feel they are realistic enough to have actual planes fly over or by them, so this is usually over resident buildings or estates. One of my favorites is looking up through a fire exit ladder.”

More so than the images themselves though, Thota says he’s excited about the relationships #mytoyplane has created through people connecting with him on Instagram and in real life — the latter happens when he asks strangers to hold up the plane for him to photograph against the background.

You can keep up with Thota and the #mytoyplane series by heading over to his Instagram account.

(via Instagram Blog)

P.S. For us Americans who have no idea what a Kinder Egg is, Kinder Surprises are a delicious chocolate treat that’s akin to a Cadbury egg, but instead of some filling, there’s a surprise toy inside.
