
Whimsical Photo Series Brings Woody from Toy Story to Life

Thanks to Toy Story, I'm still convinced my old toys come to life when I leave the room. But photographer Guillaume Chevalier of Guic Photographies isn't waiting to find out, he's creating this reality for himself in a fun and whimsical photo series.

The Striking and Surreal Photoshop Creations of Vincent Bourilhon

At just 23 years old, Paris-based photographer and Photoshop artist Vincent Bourilhon is already showing more creative chops than some artists two and three times his age. His striking, surreal Photoshop creations explore the meaning and function of everyday objects in strange new ways.

Artist Uses Forced Perspective Photography to Capture Whimsical Window Silhouettes

Spanish artist Pejac has never been a man contained by the borders of a canvas; his art, often silhouette based, bleeds out of frames and into the real world.

Most of the time, this feat is achieved with nothing more than a disregard for those borders, but one of his series of works instead used forced perspective photography to achieve the same effect and create the illusion that his whimsical silhouettes were playing with the world outside his window.

LEGOgrapher Tours the World in Viral 365 Project Shot on an iPhone 4S

Human photographers aren't the only ones dragging their cameras to every corner of the globe in search of the decisive moment. As it turns out, a little LEGO man spent a year doing the same thing as part of life-sized human photographer Andrew Whyte's fun 'The Legographer' series.