
How To: Photoshop Perspective Warp Tool Demonstrated Using Optimus Prime

The introduction of the new Perspective Warp tool (among other things) for Photoshop CC was met with a good deal of excitement by photographers. But if you haven't had a chance to play with it yourself, or you're still unsure exactly how it works from the intro video, the demo above should give you a much better idea of how to put the tool to use.

How to Transform a Cheap Foot Candle Meter into a DIY Light Meter

For those of you amateur photographers out there who like shooting film, sometimes old cameras don't have the right light meter for getting the correct exposure. Sometimes they are faulty, inaccurate or have no light meter at all! Photographic light meters can be pretty expensive but analog foot-candle meters are cheap because they don't really have any photography purpose, until now. This guide will show you how to put it to work for photography.

How to Turn a Walking Pole into a Monopod Using Sugru

My boys have started getting into photography, but often have trouble keeping the camera still enough for really clear shots.

The obvious solution is to buy a mono-pod, but why buy when you can make, especially when you have Sugru?