
Photog Archiving 100 Images for Billions of Years by Sending Them to Space

You know those digital photos you've archived by burning onto DVDs and sticking under your bed? You'll be lucky if the files are still readable by the end of your life. Photographer Trevor Paglen wants to archive photos for a much longer time... and by "much longer", we mean billions of years. He's not just doing this for himself, either, but for all of humanity.

Lawyer Suing Apple Over the Loss of His First Child’s Birth Pictures

Backing up your photos is always a good idea, but if your storage device failed and the photos you lost consisted of some very precious family memories, would you hold the hard drive company responsible? Lawyer Perminder Tung would, which is why he is currently suing Apple over the photos of his first child's birth that were lost when his Apple Time Capsule failed.