
My Point and Shoot Photo Made it to the Smithsonian

On a May evening in 2005, a group of us were spending time in my parents’ garage. We’d just graduated from high school days earlier and didn’t know what to do with ourselves. One of many boring nights spent pissing the time away, high on the excitement of graduation and fear of the future; I’m quite sure I’d have forgotten all about that night if it wasn’t for the noise we heard in the driveway.

Photo Collector Robert E. Jackson on the Death of the Snapshot

Robert E. Jackson isn't exactly a household name, but his massive collection of one-of-a-kind snapshots has earned him a great deal of recognition in the right circles. Back in 2007, he was given an entire show at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. And some of his collection is currently on display at the Pace/MacGill Gallery in New York City.

He's a prolific collector with over 11,000 prints to his name, and so NPR's Claire O'Neill asked him to call in and talk with her about the snapshot, what it was, what it is, and whether or not it's in the process of fading away forever.

Photo Project to Capture a Snapshot of the Entire World at One Moment in Time

There have been a number of projects in the past that asked people to capture videos and photographs all over the world during a single day. Montblanc wants to take the idea one step further: the luxury company has launched a photo project called "Worldsecond" that aims to have all its participants capture photographs across the globe at the same moment in time.

A Snapshot of the Photography Industry

Did you know that more photos are created every two minutes than in the entire 1800s? HighTable created this infographic that gives a quick overview of the state of the photography industry and the rise of mobile photography.