
Photographing the President: A Look Back at Every White House Photographer

The importance of presidential photography cannot be understated in today’s visual world. Although the bulk of photography since the inception of regular presidential photography in the 1950s still consists of “grip and grin” photo ops, White House photographers have sought to capture a more intimate look at the leader of the free world.

Eric Draper Portrait

An Interview with Eric Draper, George W. Bush’s Presidential Photographer

If you haven't been living under the rock for the past ten years, chances are you've seen a photo captured by Eric Draper. That's because he was the official photographer of former U.S. President George W. Bush.

Draper's eight years in the White House were nothing short of intriguing. From capturing the now-iconic photos of President Bush on September 11th to the handing over of leadership to Barack Obama in 2009. His unfettered access to the Presidency gave us some insight as to what life is like in the "bubble."

Iranian President’s Photographer Defects During Assignment in New York City

Official presidential photographers lead exciting lives. President Obama's photographer Pete Souza attends secret meetings and captures iconic photos. Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili's personal photographer was arrested last year after being accused of being a spy for Russia. Now Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's photographer is the latest to do something noteworthy: he defected to the United States.