
Quick Tip: Composition for Beginners

Improving your composition can bring balance and personality to your photography, simultaneously enabling you to produce more appealing images. And as quick tips go, this 90-second video from Mango Street Lab is absolutely packed full of key compositional advice.

10 Lessons Learned from Botched Motorcycle Photo Shoots

When it comes to motorcycles, I’m the grown-ass man equivalent of the 8-year old girl with the pony sweater that every single person knew in grade school. I’m obsessed: they’re what got me into photography; motorcycle photography brings the funnest edits; and bikes are a huge part of my life.

Don’t Forget to Tell a Story

It’s easy to obsess over gear. We all love new toys, and it’s natural to lust over that hot new mirrorless camera or convince yourself that a lens upgrade is going to take your photos to the next level. But amid the onslaught of pretty-looking shots and gear reviews, never forget: story is king.

How to Capture a Bold Wine Bottle Photo with a Single Speedlight

If you're interested in product photography, Dustin Dolby's channel workphlo is definitely worth a bookmark. Using minimal equipment, he's able to capture distinct looks like this makeup shot, and in this tutorial he'll show you how a single speedlight can produce a bold beautiful wine bottle photo that looks 100% pro.

The Best and Worst Ways to Carry Your Camera Gear: Straps, Slings, and More

There are almost as many ways to carry your camera gear as there are photographers, but what are the best and worst options? In this video, TheCameraStoreTV host Christopher Niccolls breaks down the best and worst of camera straps, bags, holsters and more, so you can make the most stylish and secure decision for your gear.

The Dos and Don’ts of Landscape Photography

Seasoned landscape photographer Craig Roberts has some tips for the newbies out there, so get out your pen and pad and listen up: here are some top "Dos" and "Don'ts" for landscape photography.

3 Simple Tips for Posing Non-Models

Many (if not most) of us will spend at least some time photographing non-models—whether we're talking about a bride, a high school senior, or just a good friend or sibling. Here are 3 simple tips that will help you help them look their best.

How to Shoot Minimalist Photos, or: Stop Ripping Off Michael Kenna

The aesthetic of minimalism is very hard to achieve in a world that is full of content and never ending clutter. As photographers, how do we capture a scene in a minimalistic style without blatantly copying artists like Michael Kenna or Hiroshi Sugimoto?

Tips and Advice for Photo ‘Noobs’, Courtesy of Kai Wong

Former DigitalRev host and photo industry personality (do we have those?) Kai Wong is setting aside the gear reviews for a minute to help out the photography "noobs." If you're a beginner, he's got some great tips, advice, and inspiration for you.

3 Reasons Why You Aren’t Taking Better Photos

No matter your current skill level, you could (and should) always be getting better. And if you ever find yourself in a creative rut—as we all do from time to time—watch this video. Photographer and filmmaker Peter McKinnon thinks he knows why you're struggling, and how to get out.

Quick Tip: Three Composition ‘Rules’ and How to Break Them

One of the best reasons to learn the rules of photography is so you can start breaking them. In this short video, Canon Explorer of Light and music and sports photographer, David Bergman teaches you how he goes about breaking 3 of the cardinal composition rules in his work, using his Bon Jovi portfolio as an example.

6 Creative Portrait Photography Hacks in 2 Minutes

Ready for some rapid-fire DIY tips? A team of French photographers who goes by the moniker "Shootr" has put together a simple photo hacks video that offers a few creative ideas for your next portrait shoot.

18 Frequently Asked Questions About the Business of Photography

Tim Tadder is a wildly successful commercial photographer in a time when the term "wildly successful photographer" sounds like an oxymoron. So RGG EDU went to Tim's house and asked him 18 questions about the photo industry, which Tim answered while playing some leisurely putt putt in his backyard.

The Pros and Cons Of Speedlight Flash Photography

Lighting is the most important element of a photograph. It is essentially the only thing that a picture is truly made of. And it's the quality and type of light that really sets a picture apart from the masses of imagery, or limits a photo's ability to really captivate an audience.

What Lens Should I Buy? This Video Breaks Down All Your Options

"What lens should I buy?" It's one of the most common gear questions that pops up in the PetaPixel inbox, and while there is no one-size-fits-all answer, photographer Peter McKinnon does a great job of explaining what's out there and what you need to know to decide on your next lens in this informative video.

4 Lighting Principles I Wish I’d Known When I Started Photography

When I first started photography, I struggled a lot with lighting. In the beginning, we're often told to shoot our subjects in open shade, but if you don’t know how to do this properly the results can be disastrous: faces with dark shadows, eyes with no depth, overexposed backgrounds, etc.

Broncolor’s Free ‘How To’ Section is a Lighting Tutorial Gold Mine

It doesn't matter if you're a beginner, intermediate, or even a professional, you'll want to give Broncolor's free "How To" page a look. There, you'll find nearly 100 pro lighting examples—beautiful photos, each accompanied by a gear list, description, and lighting diagram. It's a tutorial gold mine.

Lighting Tips: How to Shoot Killer Product Photography at Home

We're not entirely sure why, but product photography tutorials are coming hard and fast lately. So in case this DIY lightbox wasn't good enough, and 360° product photography isn't your thing, here's a great tutorial that will show you how to capture killer reflective product shots on a sea of black.

19 Tips For Shooting Better Portraits

I am often asked how I manage to photograph a celebrity in a few minutes or what is the best way to shoot a good portrait. Here is my list of hints for shooting better portraits.

How to Capture Great Portraits in a Tiny Space

You don't need a ton of space to create an impromptu "home studio" and capture some high quality portraits. As photographer Mark Wallace shows you in this informative tutorial, the corner of a tiny hotel room in Paris is plenty if you know what you're doing.

What’s the Story? 5 Ways to Make Better Street Photos

Street photography is an addictive calling—the more you do it, the more you want to do it. You crave more people, more places, more action. Plus, it’s one of the most dynamic and exciting types of photography to share on social media, with an active community around the world.