
This Landscape Art Uses AR Projection to Show Beams of Light

Photographer Reuben Wu has released the final chapter of his groundbreaking Lux Noctis project, which involves lighting large-scale landscapes with drone-mounted lights. Titled "An Electric Storm," the digital artwork has an incredible physical installation that combines a print with AR light projection.

How to Mint an NFT: The Photographer’s Guide

The NFT craze from earlier this year isn’t going away -- but perhaps has become even more mainstream in the last three months. It’s hard to name a celebrity, artist, or athlete who hasn’t cashed in on the explosive popularity of NFTs.

Photos Deserve the Digital Protections That Are Standard Elsewhere

Digital rights ownership and control are at the heart of a losing battle that photographers have been fighting for decades. One of the interesting, but overlooked, offshoots of the NFT craze is a technical one: the capability that underscores the value of an NFT is the ability to sign and authenticate it.

NFTs Explained on SNL with an Eminem Rap Parody

Non-fungible tokens in cryptocurrency have made a splash in the art world in recent days. If you're out of the loop and don't have time to read an in-depth explainer on what NFTs are, check out this humorous 3.5-minute Eminem rap parody by Saturday Night Live that will bring you up to speed (maybe).

Why NFTs (Probably) Won’t Make You Money in the Long Run

Over the last few weeks, it seems like the world wide web has been swamped with both explainers and critiques of Non-Fungible Tokens, or NFTs. It’s a pyramid scheme! It’s the next thing in Fine Art! It’s an ecological disaster! I am making so much money!

What is an NFT and Why Should Photographers Care?

Seemingly overnight, NFTs became the hottest acronym on social media and in headlines. On Thursday, a single JPG file created by Mike Winkelmann, also known as Beeple, sold in an online auction for $69.3 million. It was the first digital-only art sale for auction house Christie’s, meaning there was no physical copy involved.