
Apple Releases Tear-Jerking ‘Shot on iPhone’ Ad for Mother’s Day

Can Apple make you cry and want to call your mom in 30 seconds? They're gonna try. In the latest addition to the Cupertino brand's famous 'Shot on iPhone' campaign, Apple has put together a touching montage of photos and videos or real moms that might just put your tear ducts to work.

10 Photo Projects and Products Sure to Make Your Mom Smile This Mother’s Day

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, it’s probably a good time to share some inspiration for gift ideas. So, we’ve put together a little collection of items, both DIY and available for purchase to make your life a bit easier come May 11th.

We’ll start from least expensive and work our way towards the more expensive gear. Along with each project or product will be a short summary of what it is and an accompanying link to find out how to make it or where to purchase it.

Eerie Hidden Mothers in Vintage Photos

Did you know that in vintage tintype photographs of infants mothers were often present in the photo but hidden by a veil? Subjects needed to remain still due to the longer exposure times required back then, so mothers were often asked to hold their children tightly while the portraits were being exposed. It was common practice back then, but the resulting photos are pretty eerie when you look at them now.