
Error Causes Mass of Light Show Drones to Tumble Out of the Sky

Drones have been used as an accompaniment to fireworks or as wholesale replacements for several years and most have started and concluded without issue. But during a show in Shanghai on June 14, something went terribly awry and caused a mass of drones to unexpectedly tumble out of the sky.

The Light Show on CN Tower is Actually a Subliminal Photo Slideshow

If you've visited the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada anytime during the past five years at night, you've likely enjoyed the dazzling light show that appears on the side of the tower. The 1,330 uber-bright LED lights (which cost a cool $2.5 million) were installed in the elevator shafts back in 2007, and are turned on from dusk every day until 2 the next morning. What you might not have known, however, is that the seemingly random colors that appear are really not so random after all: they're actually pieces of photographs!