
The Pioneer 500 Battery Pack Can Bring the Studio Anywhere

ToGoPower has announced the Pioneer 500 battery pack that the company says is capable of powering an entire remote photo shoot. ToGoPower touts its pack as able to power strobes, charge computers and drones, and essentially act as a lightweight, portable power outlet.

Photog! Transforms Your Offline Pictures Folder Into a Photo Website

If you'd like to quickly create a custom photography website and are familiar with installing software through a command line interface, there's a new free and open source program you can check out. It's called Photog!, and is a simple photography website generator that can turn your pictures directory into a simple yet elegant photo website.

The FlameStower Lets You Charge Your Gear On the Go Using Fire

Outdoor loving photographers who are often far away from power grids don't have too many options when it comes to charging up their gear. Without a generator you're pretty much left with batteries and solar chargers.

But the guys behind the FlameStower didn't like either of those options, so they came up with a third. Instead of using batteries or the sun, they decided to use fire.

PicScatter Helps You Make “Hacked” Facebook Profile Photographs

Last week Alexandre Oudin's creative Facebook portrait idea spread like wildfire on the Interwebs, and was even featured by CNN. If you'd like to do the same thing with a portrait or photograph of yours but don't have the time or technical know-how to do so, there's a new website called Pic Scatter that does all the work for you. All you need to do is upload and resize and reposition the image to your liking, and the website will allow you to download all the individual photos for the "hacked" profile pic. The only downside is that a "Made with" bar is added to your image.