
Focal Length, Diagonals, and Depth in Photos

I’ve long strived for depth in certain photos. I like a line that begins in the lower corner and heads for the diagonally opposite upper corner.

7 Tips for Creating a Sense of Depth in Your Landscape Photos

Landscape photographer and YouTuber Mads Peter Iversen is back with another helpful tips video. This time, he's covering a very important subject that many beginners fail to properly appreciate when they're just starting out: how to create depth in your landscape imagery.

Imitating Hazy Backgrounds with Diffusion Gels

Shooting in a studio has its advantages. But although being warm, dry and convenient are greatly appreciated, shooting between the same four walls can get a little boring if you’re constantly using them as backgrounds for your shots.

How to Use the Foreground to Create Depth in Landscape Photos

Sometimes a beautiful landscape scene doesn't look as good on camera as it did to your eye, but that's because translating a 3-dimensional scene into a 2-dimensional space is challenging. Using strong foreground elements in your composition is one way to create depth and counter this problem, as shown in this 8-minute tutorial from Nature TTL.

What is the ‘Orange & Teal Look’ and Why is it So Popular?

Many a blockbuster movie and several popular travel photo/video creators out there use something called the 'Orange and Teal look' when they color grade their work. Today, Parker Walbeck of Fulltime Filmmaker will explain what that look is, why it's used, and how to apply it to your creations.

An Intro to Lightening and Brightening Eyes in Adobe Photoshop CC

It is said that eyes are the windows to our souls and when focusing in on a portrait, we do our best to make sure they are razor sharp. With a bit of help from Photoshop, we can take the beauty of the eyes a step further. Today, we will be examining a method that I have personally used over the last few years to truly make eyes pop and give them another dimension of depth.