
Blind Photographer Pete Eckert Describes How He Sees and Captures the World

When Pete Eckert found out he was going to lose his sight to retinitis pigmentosa 27 years ago, he was well on his way to becoming an architect, receiving acceptances from graduate programs. It was also around this time that he discovered his mother's old camera.

He's now an award-winning photographer, and in the above short by The Avant/Garde Diaries, he describes how he sees the world and uses his photography to create "a bridge between the world of the blind and sighted."

Tommy Edison: Instagrammer, Film Critic, and Blind Since Birth

Tommy Edison is an incredible person. Born blind, he has managed to lead a successful, fulfilling life as a film critic, receiving national attention for his spot on reviews of movies like "Water for Elephants." But in addition to successfully reviewing a genre most would consider to be in the domain of the sighted, Mr. Edison is also a prolific Instagram user.

The Surreal Light Painting Photography of a Blind Photographer

Sonia Soberats' journey in photography didn't start until she couldn't see the photographs she was producing. Around two decades ago, she lost her eyesight to glaucoma between losing her son to Hodgkin's disease and her daughter to ovarian cancer. At the turn of the century, Soberats began taking photography lessons in New York City as a form of therapy and self-expression. Her technique of choice? Light painting.

Blind Visual Artist Pete Eckert Makes Photographs Without Seeing

Pete Eckert didn't start out too seriously in photography. Trained in sculpture and industrial design, he was working as a carpenter when one day a doctor diagnosed him with retinitis pigmentosa, a genetic eye condition that leads to permanent blindness. He eventually discovered photography and has been doing amazing work since. The beautifully made video above sheds light on how he goes about creating art despite his visual impairment.